There are certain people who think that all the subjects of science are discoverable in the Quran and that with reference to the relevant verses, a scientific exegesis of the Quran may be written. In this matter there are some who have gone to the extent of claiming, for example, that this verse, “Have We not lifted up your heart” (94:1) is a reference to the science of anatomy, or that the verse, “Now We have removed your veil, so your sight today is sharp” (50:22), relates to diseases of the eyes, etc.
This theory about the inclusion of scientific subjects in the Quran is, without doubt, baseless. In this sense, the Quran is far from being a book of science. But in a quite different respect we can rightly say that modern scientific research is conducive to a proper understanding of the Quran.
For instance, the Quran states: “We have made every living thing out of water.” (21:30) In previous times, a reader of the Quran would have understood this in a general sense, but when the modern reader of the Quran reads these verses in the light of new scientific discoveries, he understands this statement in physical detail. His conviction in the veracity of the Quran thus increases to a great extent.
Source: Discovering The Quran