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The Right Framework

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

This concept gives us the framework by which everything in life and in the universe can be satisfactorily explained. It also makes it clear what paradise and hell are. Paradise is a resting place for sincere and truth-loving people, while hell is a place for the insolent and the false.

The picture we form is that of the present world having been made by its Creator to serve as a testing ground for mankind, whereas the next world has been created as a place where we shall reap the rewards of (or punishments for) our actions in this world.

Man has been created as an eternal creature. Every man and woman has been granted an eternal personality. But although the mind is eternal, the body is transient. The study of human physiology shows that the human body is composed of living cells which keep transforming themselves. In this way the body is renewed at regular intervals. It is regenerated just like the water in a running stream. The body eventually dies and is resurrected, but the spiritual personality, or the soul, remains unchanged and lives on. This is because the human personality, being eternal, has an existence independent of the human body. To put it in another way human life can be likened to an iceberg, a very tiny part of which is visible, while the rest remains submerged. By analogy, the human lifespan is divided into two parts: the first, the infinitesimal part runs its course in this world, while by far the greater part unfolds in the Hereafter.

While everything in this world is so designed as to permit man to develop his personality, we must remember that everything in the present world more importantly serves as a test paper for man. For instance, the present world is filled with all kinds of bitterness and animosity. This had all been devised so that, by undergoing these experiences, man might prove that he could lead his life with positive feelings even in negative situations. It is only those who are capable of such positivism who will gain admission to the ideal world of Paradise. On the contrary, those who fall a prey to reaction and respond negatively to bad experiences will be held undeserving of entry into Paradise. Instead, they will be thrown into Hell from where they will never be able to extricate themselves.

In modern times, the acceptance of the concept of organic evolution as a scientific fact is not based on the evidence of observation. The sole reason for its acceptance is that the scientists can find an understandable explanation of biological facts. Thus the concept of evolution is a workable theory rather than an established theory, as is generally believed.


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