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MOST JOYOUS MOMENT - Discovery of God

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

A news report in a magazine started off a train of thought in the mind that became significant as regards to the realization of God. A celebrity married and in due course, had a beautiful, healthy son. After his birth, she expressed her feelings by exclaiming,

“It was the most joyous moment of my life when I held the baby in my arms for the first time. My heart and my mind are full of my son. I am all love for him.”

Pondering on the fact as to why the sight of her son should make a woman so overjoyed led to the realization that it was a case of diversion from the truth. Everyone is born with the concept of the Creator. This concept is integral to everyone’s thinking. One knows, consciously or unconsciously, that there is a great God who has granted all the bounties which we possess. Therefore, a feeling of deep acknowledgement for the Creator is ingrained in the human psyche. But because no one can physically see the great Giver, whenever any precious thing falls to their lot, this feeling of gratitude gets diverted. The love which they should have given to their Creator is given to something or to someone else.

A feeling of deep acknowledgement for the Creator is ingrained in the human psyche. But because no one can physically see the great Giver, whenever any precious thing falls to their lot, this feeling of gratitude gets diverted.

From this we learn what the greatest virtue for man is, and his greatest wrong. For a person the greatest virtue is to acknowledge the true Giver of all blessings. The true Giver is God. In terms of religion, this acknowledgement is called ‘thanksgiving’. Conversely, the greatest deviation of a person, is to seek out a supposed giver, and then attribute the blessings to him. Such a deviation amounts to an eternal failure. Where proper acknowledgement is the greatest virtue, misdirected acknowledgement is the greatest evil.


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