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Eliminating Bad Habit

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Forsake Falsehood to Discover Truth

THE creed of Islam is “La ilaha illa Allah”, ‘there is no god but Allah’. This creed first holds a negation and is then followed by an affirmation. Without a negation of falsehood one can not hold and declare Allah as God. Both these aspects are an integral part of the creed of tawheed in Islam. They cannot be separated from one another. This is a law of nature. It is an abiding law of nature that only after relinquishing something will one be able to acquire something else. In this world created by God, a person will be able to realize a matter of truth only when he has forsaken matters of falsehood. Desiring the truth without renouncing falsehood is only wishful thinking, as in reality such contradictory concepts cannot simultaneously exist in one person.

A person will be able to realize a matter of truth only when he has forsaken matters of falsehood. Desiring the truth without renouncing falsehood is only wishful thinking, as in reality such contradictory concepts cannot simultaneously exist in one person. One who is a seeker of truth must acknowledge this law of nature. For example, many people make bad habits a part of their life. These habits can be of various types, such as frivolous talk, smoking and drinking, wasteful expenditure, ostentatious display, useless entertainment, jokes and amusement, idle banter, cultural formalities and the meaningless pomp and show in gifting and return gifting.

There are many other such habits that people indulge in. Such people suffer two crucial losses at the same time with these habits. These habits weaken the personality. They deprive a person of superior disposition. Secondly these habits squander a large part of a person’s time and talents leaving one incapable of any serious work. The truth is that bad habits are killer habits. They displace man from the human pedestal reducing him to the level of animals.


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