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Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Psychology at Work

The human mind is a mirror of reality. Everyone knows the function of a mirror. It reproduces the image of anything that is placed in front of it. The image it produces corresponds exactly to the reflected object, leaving nothing out and adding nothing of its own. So it is with the human mind. When reality is placed before this mirror, it is reproduced exactly. The image of truth which is reflected in the human mind is exactly the same as that which stands before it. It recognizes the truth for what it is and accepts it as such.

This being the case, why is it that truth comes before many people and yet they fail to accept it? The answer to this question is that it is always personal attachments and commitments that prevent one from accepting truth. There can be no sound reason for denying the truth. Those that do so are motivated by their attachment to something else which prevents them from attaching themselves to truth.

If a third object is placed in between a mirror and the thing that is meant to be reflected, the image will be obscured. So it is with truth and the human mind. If something else comes in between the two, the image of truth that should be cast on to the mind becomes obscured. It is essential, therefore, that nothing should be allowed to come in between oneself and truth. There should be nothing to prevent one from accepting truth. This is a prerequisite for realizing the truth, yet it is one that people are usually unable to fulfil. All too often they let something else come in between themselves and the reality that has been placed before the mirror of their minds.

Sometimes, it is people to whom one is attached who come in the way of truth. Sometimes, it is self-interest, or some other commitment. In every day and age people have let some unconnected thing come in between themselves and truth, with the result that they remained bereft of what should have been lodged in their souls.

Some do not accept the truth for fear of losing their power and position. Some because the presenter of the truth appears to them an insignificant person. They question—Is truth being promulgated by one who does not rank high among the mighty of this world?

Some others do not accept the truth as they do not want to become isolated from their people. Each case is a case of denial without valid grounds, only their blind commitment to something else which they do not want to break away from.

Truth will be attained by one who has accepted it without any reservation, who has given himself up entirely to it. Those who are attached to something else that they cannot break away from, can never find truth, for they cannot give it the attention it demands. Only those succeed in the search for truth who forsake everything else and give themselves up to it entirely when truth comes before them

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